
Blazor Framework using C#

My dream come true as a C# developer           As a C# developer I always jealous by looking towards Nodejs developers. Because the Nodejs developers have an advantage over C# developer is that one client side language(J avascript ) enough to write code for server side and client side. The developers world aware of that how easy to learn Javascript over C#. Languages like C# and Java are very difficult to learn, as per my experience, I learned java in my academics and migrated to C# in my carrier. Such a difficult to learn Java and C#, after learning we need to learn again Javascript/Jquery to execute complete website.           Some part of my carrier spent in which is little easy to create and run real world web applications but after Javascript got popularity with client side rendering my knowledge is no more useful to me. After that MVC came into picture but it won't did any effect much on Javascript/Jquery popularity so that MVC developers also have to